All childhood vaccines can be claimed countermeasures and be covered by PREP Act. Criminals do not follow laws, they write them. By Sasha Latypova (10/05/24)


Grab your jaw from the floor!

Bottom Line:

The PREP Act:

  • Stripped Congress of its authority to oversee or terminate emergency declarations and determinations made unilaterally by the HHS Secretary;

  • Stripped federal courts of their authority to review or nullify declarations and determinations; and

  • Pre-empts the jurisdiction of the states.

HHS recently expanded the categories of disease representing a public health emergency. Thus, any pediatric vaccine (if licensed by FDA & recommended by ACIP) can be claimed as a covered countermeasure.

FDA and ACIP appear to be approving every “vaccine” and most drugs, regardless of whether they are necessary, safe, or effective. 

Most "clinical trials" are skewed, many results are buried, and many on the approval panels have conflicts of interest.

Before taking any drug of "vaccine," carefully review the ingredients and any information you can find outside the traditional media and medical journals, which mostly are captured by government and big Pharma.

Your doctor typically does not know, does not believe, or is unwilling to tell you the truth.

Article includes a timeline of PREP Act declarations.


🔥🔥🔥Do not comply. 🔥🔥🔥

Do not inject your children with anything!

If your doctor administers vaccines, do not go back to that doctor.

Do not take your child to “well” visits, they don’t need them, and do not go for “annual checkups” yourself.

Do not use any diagnostic screening tests, unless you are actually ill with symptoms, and even then, do not use PCR or “antibody” tests, those are totally useless and even dangerous.

🔥🔥🔥Do not comply. 🔥🔥🔥

Related Substack Notes:

  • AZ Rep. Gosar Introduces Groundbreaking Bill to End Big Pharma's Liability Shield for Vaccine Injuries (includes links, action items and text of bill):


  • ICAN Investigation Reveals “Independent” Report on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries is Riddled With Conflicts of Interest:

ICAN Investigation Reveals “Independent” Report on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries is Riddled With Conflicts of Interest (10/04/24, includes 3-minute video by lead attorney Aaron Siri, Esq.)

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Oct 7
12:30 PM