Israeli Perspectives & UNRWA (posted 10/13/24)

Regardless of which side you favor regarding Israel, much of what’s happening there also affects America. The contagion of hatred and oppression is worldwide. If only EVERYONE could see it for what it is, without the cover of MMM (Marxist Mainstream Media, aka M3).

→ We Will Not Let Our Country and Continent Be Destroyed. By Geert Wilders (10/06/24):…

The Dutch author states: “The hatred of extreme left-wing agitators and parts of the left-liberal elite in politics and the media against our Jewish compatriots and the State of Israel since the barbaric massacre of innocent civilians on October 7, 2023, has directly fueled anti-Semitism and hatred of Jews.”

His brief article ends with a rallying cry that applies to any country facing destruction of its values, culture and traditions:

We will never give up.

But always fight evil, whatever the cost.

Because we will not let our country and continent be destroyed.

We choose the power of reason.

And we will win.

Here in the Netherlands and in Israel.

Am Israel Chai. [Israel will live.]

→ Israel Turning UNRWA’s Jerusalem Compound into 1,440 Housing Units. By David Israel (10/11/24):…

The Israel Land Authority will take over the Jerusalem headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and replace it with 1,440 housing units. (The UN agency owes more than $7 million in rent for the space.)

The Israeli Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Security Committee also approved a bill to sever ties between Israel and UNRWA, as summarized below:

  • The 1967 agreement that allowed UNRWA to operate in Israel will be canceled and UNRWA’s activities will cease.

  • UNRWA personnel will be prohibited from contacting Israeli officials, and their diplomatic visas and economic benefits will be terminated.

  • Any criminal procedure against UNRWA employees concerning crimes they committed on October 7, 2023 will remain in place.

NOT AMUSED: The author states that Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA is not amused.

THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: UNRWA, the International Court of Justice at the Hague, and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres are the favorites to receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, whose past winners have proven to be less than honorable.

In a fit of wry humor, the Regavim movement nominated the Xinjiang Vocational Education and Training Centers — the massive Chinese internment camps throughout the Xinjiang region — for the prize.

Related (from previous our Substacks):

→ American Thought Leaders: The Giant UN Agency Hijacked by Hamas: Asaf Romirowsky (05/07/24, 32 min podcast):…

Established in 1949, UNRWA was supposed to be a temporary organization. Instead, it became one of the largest and costliest U.N. agencies and now it serves Palestinians only and is synonymous with Hamas. By using an unusual definition of “refugee” as “anyone who was in mandatory Palestine between 1946 and 1948 and their progeny”, the number of Arab-Palestinians UNRWA serves has ballooned sevenfold.

→ Time to end U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Bloated organization is beyond redemption. By Idaho Sen. Jim Risch (02/08/24):…

Employees from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for Palestine Refugees may have actively participated in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The agency, known as UNRWA, has lost its legitimacy and must be disbanded. Created in 1949, UNRWA long ago morphed from its mandate of providing humanitarian and development relief for Palestinians to facilities, including schools, serving as havens for Hamas rockets and tunnels. Sen. Risch says it’s time to end it now that its cost and harms far exceed its benefits.

→ Agency Capture – Biden Allocated $1.2 Billion To The United Nations Relief And Works Agency (UNRWA). It's Laced With Terrorist Extremists. By ADAM ANDRZEJEWSKI (02/01/24):

Biden Administration re-started Palestinian aid by pumping $1.2 billion through the United Nations aid agency. It was a reversal of the 2018 policy when President Trump had zeroed them out.

Agency Capture – Biden Allocated $1.2 Billion To The United Nations Relief And Works Agency (UNRWA). It's Laced With Terrorist Extremists.
Oct 13
12:39 PM