Idaho Legislative District 8 Elections — Vote for Faye Thompson — Do not be fooled by Democrat’s Deceit (posted 10/14/24)
Jared Dawson, Democrat running for Legislative District 8 Seat B, has published misleading campaign ads about his Republican opponent Faye Thompson (sample flyer is below).
His facts are simply wrong. Please read Faye Thompson’s actual factual before making snap judgments.
BACKGROUND: Faye Thompson has lived full time in Idaho since 1964. A wife, mother, and grandmother, Faye owns a business and serves her community. As a Christian, she makes decisions using Jesus as her filter.
HEALTHCARE: Abortion is NOT healthcare. Faye protects, respects, and loves life from conception to natural death.
EDUCATION: Universal School Choice IS NOT a voucher system. Faye does not support vouchers. She DOES support money following the child so parents can choose the best education available.
CHILDCARE: Government paid childcare is socialism. Faye does not support socialism.
SOCIAL JUSTICE: Faye supports DEFUNDING Health & Welfare programs best funded by private organizations — NOT taxpayers.
DEMOCRACY: While Democrats discuss “saving democracy,” Faye reminds us that America is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC (in which elected representatives vow to protect the state and federal Constitutions). It is NOT a Democracy (in which mob rule prevails).
BORDER: Faye believes that protecting our borders also protects Idaho. We strengthen Idaho by spending less and restricting Medicaid to truly needy US citizens.
SECOND AMENDMENT: The Constitution’s 2nd amendment clearly states that “our right to bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed.” While Democrats will weaken and ultimately destroy 2A, Faye will protect and strengthen these rights.
Join the fight for an IDAHO FIRST, AMERICA FIRST agenda. Vote Faye Thompson!