Injuries, Hard Labor, and a Road Trip! When stallions fight, get out of the way! By Robert W Malone MD, MS (10/14/24)

In addition to fighting for freedom and speaking all over the world, Drs. Robert and Jill Malone have a gorgeous horse breeding farm, including spirited Iberian Lusitano stallions. From time to time, they post articles that focus on the farm, and these are absolute fan favorites.

We’re sharing this post because of its glorious horse photos and video from a huge Iberian horse event at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala, FL. Also, because it highlights how hard the Malones are working to promote freedom (including medical freedom) and to warn about the Psy-Ops we’re experiencing as victims of world-wide attacks on humanity. (Yes, WWIII is well underway.)

Malone wrote:

A funny coincidence is that the Florida Summit for Health and Medical Freedom is happening at the World Equestrian Center on Saturday — so literally I will be speaking on mRNA self-amplifying vaccines, PsyWar, and riding Jade in a Horse Spectacular all on the same day!

Let’s All Get Along!

Making a connection that Dr. Malone did not make in his article, the fights he described among his stallions remind us of frequent squabbles among individuals and groups that also are fighting for freedom around the world.

We call on these individuals and organization to JUST STOP IT! Disagree on details and solutions if you must, but please do not attack each other. We need you all pulling in the direction of freedom, not bickering.

Regarding stallion fights, Dr. Malone wrote:

As a breeding farm, we have stallions. Most stallions are not “team players.” They can be aggressive, unpredictable, and have a “high libido.” Unfocussed, reactive, with little emotional control, resistant to training, don’t play nice with other horses, and are generally considered a pain in the ass.

They also are fragile - working with stallions is a tricky business as it requires a funny mix of praise and consistent firmness. One must win their hearts while insisting on control.

For many years, we collected semen and shipped it all over the USA and Canada, and did our our own artificial insemination work.

Jill and I both understand stallions. We have been keeping stallions for decades, and when you have stallions — sometimes, bad stuff can happen.

So like life in the freedom arena!

Injuries, Hard Labor, and a Road Trip!
Oct 16
12:56 PM