UN takes over ‘Global Governance.’ Alex Newman reports firsthand. Hosts Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin (10/20/24, podcast 59 min)


If you're even slightly on the fence about voting for Donald Trump, this is a must-listen. The interview and show notes provide quite a bit of detail, but here’s the bottom line...

VOTE FOR Donald Trump, the only world leader who has openly rejected globalism. EVER! Since George Washington.


Interview Highlights:

  • September 22, 2024, UN Press release headlined, “United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance.”

  • Press release focuses on global governance and touts the UN’s new Pact with all nations, establishing the UN as the governing power in all the major problems afflicting the world.

  • Nope. The push to “global governance” is NOT a “conspiracy theory.”

  • Journalist Alex Newman witnessed it all at the UN, and brilliantly describes how the UN manipulated every single nation in the world to agree with its ultimate supremacy.

  • The UN views the Pact as a legally binding treaty imposed all at once on every nation.

  • Nations that initially objected to the pact caved and adopted the consent agreement.

  • Every national leader fears the globalists who run the UN, the global banks, the military-industrial complex, all the Deep States of any size, and the current United States government.

Conclusion (Summarized from Show Notes):

Do you know why they hate Donald Trump? Because in January 2019, Trump declared to the entire membership that their national sovereignty must never be threatened by the UN. 

No other U.S. President, except perhaps George Washington, has ever put such emphasis on the integrity and absolute sovereignty of our nation in relation to foreign nations and influences.

Right now, Trump’s patriotic, freedom-loving supporters are making their last stand before we are crushed by the global predators. Join them in any way you can and begin by voting for Donald Trump.

  • Donald Trump’s Speech: 


AGAIN, PLEASE SAVE AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY. VOTE FOR Donald Trump, the only world leader who has openly rejected globalism. EVER! Since George Washington.

Oct 21
2:18 PM