Bill Gates to Stand Trial in Netherlands in COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit (posted 10/24/24)

Case involves seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines. Other defendants include Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state.

Two articles on this topic:

Bill Gates to Stand Trial in Netherlands in COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit. By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. (10/22/24): childrenshealthdefense.…

Gates claimed his American citizenship meant he could evade the lawsuit; fortunately, the court disagreed and charged him legal costs for challenging their jurisdiction.

Key points:

  • The plaintiffs (one of the 7 is now dead) allege that Gates, through his representatives, deliberately misled them about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”

  • Pessimist: The lawsuit is unlikely to be successful as most judges in The Netherlands support the COVID-19 vaccination agenda.

  • Optimists:

    • The court sent a message that “even if you are rich and your name is Bill Gates, you still have to go to court.”

    • The ruling sets a precedent and could help plaintiffs in similar cases regarding jurisdiction when the defendants and plaintiffs reside in different countries

    • Others may be emboldened to make claims against those involved in the implementation of the Great Reset and other international actions, such as the COVID-19 emergency response initiated by the WEF [World Economic Forum] and imposed on all U.N. member nations.

Bill Gates Ordered to Stand Trial in Netherlands in November Over COVID Vaccine Injury Claims — Ordered to Pay Legal Costs as Dutch Court Dismisses Jurisdiction Claim. By Jim Hᴏft (10/23/24):…

Details as above, plus:

Gates is one of the “experts” who made several claims about the COVID experimental vaccines, including:

  • The vaccine would stop transmission.

  • The vaccinated could quit wearing a mask.

  • The vaccinated would not get sick.

  • The vaccinated were not going to die.

The plaintiffs argue that Gates — through his involvement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (WEF) — sought to implement sweeping “Great Reset Project” societal changes, all under the guise of combating the pandemic.

The lawsuit claims the defendants pushed injections that were known to be unsafe and that the plaintiffs were deceived into taking them, with devastating physical and mental injuries resulting.


  • The race for a COVID-19 vaccine, explained (04/30/20, video 02:29)

Oct 24
2:32 PM