🚫 DEFEAT IDAHO PROPOSITION 1 👎 VOTE NO! (posted 10/28/24)

Proposition 1: Top-Four/Jungle Primaries + Ranked Choice Voting = Idaho Elections Disaster

obfuscate (merriam-webster.com/dic…)

a: to throw into shadow : darken

b: to make obscure

c: to be evasive, unclear, or confusing

Proposition 1 will destroy Idaho's elections forever. Leftist outside money being poured into this effort is in the multi-millions, with misleading TV and radio ads bombarding the airwaves every 10 minutes. 

Conservatives and even moderate Republicans are trying to stop Proposition 1 with little money, much shoe leather, many articles, and a lot of hard work from volunteers. The mission to save Idaho’s elections is urgent for those who oppose Propostion 1.

VOTERS — PLEASE DO NOT fall for the platitudes and lies of Reclaim Idaho and Idahoans for Open Primaries!

🚫 NOPE - It’s Not About OPEN Primaries! Proposition 1 proponents are selling this initiative as "Open Primaries," but the primaries are already open if you meet registration deadlines. The "open" part really is a jungle primary where any candidate can claim any party affiliation (true or not) or no affiliation.

Your primary ballot could contain dozens of candidates whom you will never meet and cannot possibly vet thoroughly. If you think voting is onerous now, just wait until your ballot is a mile long and so are the lines. Prop 1 is not about fairness; it's about obfuscation!

🚫 NOPE - Ranked Choice Voting is NOT Fair! The real Trojan Horse in Proposition 1 is Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) during general elections. One person, one vote goes out the window.

RCV is so complex the proponents don't even mention it in their advertising or flyers. What’s more, the ballot measure is 18 pages long! Nothing good needs 18 pages of obfuscatory explanation!

RCV cannot be explained properly by mere mortals because the complicated scheme requires results to be tabulated by Internet connected computers using obscure algorithms that cannot be audited effectively. Some people’s votes will be counted more than once; others not at all.

🚫 NOPE - Prop 1 is NOT Inexpensive! Prop 1 implementation could cost our cash-strapped state approximately $40 million (estimates by Secretary of State Phil McGrane).

🚫 NOPE - Prop 1 WON’T Be Good for Election Integrity. Several existing election integrity laws would go by the wayside if this passes.

🚫 NOPE - Prop 1 Proponents are NOT Ethical. Proposition 1 proponents have been removing or vandalizing signs put up by those opposing the measure. The only reason for resorting to such tactics is obvious: You are afraid people will know what a bad idea Proposition 1 is, so you must destroy signs opposing it. Really? 


More information:

DEFEATED! Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom - Update 11/25/24
Oct 29
11:45 AM