How DMSO Cures Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Dental Disease. Many of those "incurable" conditions respond remarkably to DMSO. By A Midwestern Doctor (10/31/24)…

Story at a Glance (edited)

  • Eyes: DMSO can significantly improve eye conditions such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, blindness (in some cases), sore and strained eyes, irritation and inflammation, cataracts and other conditions.

  • Ears: DMSO frequently treats ear conditions such as tinnitus, hearing loss, airplane ear, and various infections inside the ear (e.g., otitis media).

  • Nose & Throat: DMSO can help sinusitis and various nose and throat infections.

  • Dental: DMSO can help clean the mouth (e.g., thereby prevent bleeding gums) and allow the mouth to rapidly heal after dental surgeries.

This article reviews the evidence supporting each use of DMSO listed above, the relevant safety data, and usage instructions.

Key Topics

  • Cause or Effect? (remarkable benefits have been observed for DMSO for conditions within the head, regardless of cause)

  • DMSO and the Eyes

    • Ocular DMSO Distribution

    • DMSO Eye Safety

    • DMSO and Eye Inflammation

    • Retinitis Pigmentosa and Macular Degeneration

    • Human Case Studies

  • DMSO and the Ears

    • Impaired Hearing

    • Tinnitus

    • Airplane Ear (Aerositis)

  • DMSO and Head Infections

    • Sinusitis

  • DMSO in Dentistry

  • Applying DMSO to the Head

    • Applying DMSO to the Eyes

    • DMSO for the Ears

    • DMSO for the Sinuses

    • Dental Applications of DMSO

  • Sourcing DMSO

    • Patch testing

  • Conclusion (excerpted)

… A window is now being created not only to expose many of the other ways industry has harmed us for decades by pushing toxic products onto the marketplace but also to wake people up to how they’ve kept us away from the things we actually need to be healthy.

…I feel that there is a real possibility that it [DMSO] could begin to re-enter the medical field to the dramatic improvement of the quality of care in the United States (which a few of my colleagues have now committed themselves to trying to realize).

However, even if that does not happen, the wonderful thing about DMSO is that most of its applications you can do yourself—which will eventually force the medical system to provide that service, as otherwise, it will lose a lot of business.


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