Across America, we bent a knee, bowed our heads, and petitioned God All Mighty to be with our country.
Then we went to work and showed up to exercise the sacred gift provided to us as one of the blessings of living in a REPUBLIC. WE VOTED!
In Florida, a proposition that would legalize the murder of the unborn was defeated.
Prop 1 was defeated in Idaho, though millions and millions of out-of-state dollars were spent to sell half-truths; we, the people, the forgotten men and women who carry the burden of supporting and protecting the republic, saw through the slick sales job.
We didn’t buy into the propaganda that “my vote doesn’t matter”. IT DOES, and the world felt it.
Donald Trump was again elected president and CEO of the land of the free and the home of the brave. We will hold him to his words, “A promise made is a promise kept.”