TRUMP: 10-Point Plan to DISMANTLE the Deep State (11/07/24, video 03:39)

Charlie Kirk: President Trump released his plan to DISMANTLE the Deep State. Now that he's President-elect, this is the most important three minutes of video on the internet right now.

  1. Reissue 2020 Executive Order restoring presidential authority to remove rogue bureaucrats.

  2. Clean out corrupt actors at national security and intelligence apparatus. Overhaul departments and agencies that have been weaponized against Americans.

  3. Reform FISA Courts to prevent lies being accepted on warrants.

  4. Expose hoaxes and abuses of power — via a Truth & Reconciliation Commission — to declassify and publish documents related to deep state spying and corruptions.

  5. Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with media to promote false information. Press criminal charges as needed.

  6. Make every Inspector General's office independent of and physically separated from the agencies they oversee.

  7. Ask Congress to establish independent auditing system for intelligence agencies to prevent spying and disinformation campaigns against the American people.

  8. Physically move many parts of the federal bureaucracy outside the Washington swamp and to locations where American patriots still exist.

  9. Ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs with companies they deal with or regulate while in government (no more revolving doors with Big Pharma government overseers).

  10. Push Constitutional amendment for term limits on members of Congress.

Nov 9
2:23 PM