Group of Incoming Idaho Lawmakers, Led by Zito and Zuiderveld, Announce Plan to Kill Politician Pay Hike. By Idaho Freedom Staff (11/08/24)…

Idaho Legislators including Senator-elect Christy Zito and Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld will submit a resolution to reject the proposed 22% legislator pay hike when the 2025 legislative session opens in early January. Other lawmakers signing this resolution are Josh Kohl, Lucas Cayler, Kent Marmon, Clint Hostetler, David Leavitt, and Faye Thompson.

The eight lawmakers suggest prioritizing grocery tax repeal and other legislation that will benefit Idahoans rather than approve a pay hike for legislators.

NOTE: The Citizens’ Committee on Legislative Compensation originally proposed a pay hike of 43% while removing in-session food and housing per diem payments. Following objections, the committee reduced pay hikes to 22% while keeping the in-session per diem payments. Taxpayers also cover lawmakers’ health insurance plans and retirement contributions.

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(include the resolution opposing the pay hike)

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Nov 9
2:48 PM