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US Expands Bird Flu Testing. … Why is this a bad idea? By Dr. Kevin Stillwagon (11/10/24)


In six short paragraphs, Dr. Stillwagon explains why testing asymptomatic people for bird flu basically is stupid and unnecessary.

Key Points

  • The presence of viral genetic material does not mean you are infected, or even will be.

  • They are testing for viral material in the wrong place — OUTSIDE the body in snot and spit instead of INSIDE the body where the infection can cause problems.

  • As with all communicable diseases, the presence of symptoms is tied to the strength of the immune system, not the presence of the invading organism.

  • Organisms move between humans all the time (asymptomatic transmission). But such transmission does not mean you will get sick.

  • The presence of antibodies indicates infection, not sickness.

  • The CDC’s goal obviously is to panic people. Panicked people isolate, separate, wear masks and goggles, and take shots — NONE OF WHICH WORKS!


What the CDC should be afraid of is an intervention of injecting humans and animals with something that targets proteins on the virus that will undoubtedly get mutated. This will focus the immune systems of the injected on what was injected, not what gets mutated, herd immunity becomes impossible, and on and on infections will go.

The brainwashing begins anew. Bird Flu is COVID 2.0. It's not about public health. It's about control, fear, money, death, and selling more "vaccines". Dr. Stillwagon always explains the science so well. 

1. Eat well.

2. Take care of your immune system.

3. Stay home IF YOU ARE SICK! Not if you are asymptomatic.

4. Avoid "immunization" shots. They do the opposite in most cases.

Run, don't walk, away from any CDC directive. As Dr. Stillwagon says: "Thanks for reading, and thanks for staying smart."

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Nov 10
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