The Last Word on Legislator Pay? The committee has made its recommendation. By Brian Almon (11/14/24)
Brian Almon — who takes no position either way — presents arguments for and against the Citizen’s Committee’s unanimous recommendation to raise legislator salaries to $25,000 per year. This would be an increase of just over 25% in base salary alone. Per diem rates are set federally, and those should increase by about 16% from 2024.
Eight legislators led by incumbent Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld issued a press release opposing the pay raise following the vote and presenting an alternative resolution to increase the base salary by 2.5%.
If the Legislature does nothing, the committee’s recommendation will go into effect.
Any legislator can introduce a resolution to reject the recommendation or reduce it, but not raise it. Both chambers would have to pass that resolution for it to supersede the committee’s recommendation.
Related Substack Notes
(Unfortunately, Substack Notes cut off our links, but you will find them in recent “Too Many Notes” publications)
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