PHARMA ADs — HERE, THERE & EVERYWHERE (posted 11/17/24)

Strolling along the aisles…

We recently visited a national chain pharmacy in a small town to have some photos taken.

Get Your Shots NOW! During our visit we were bombarded with print ads throughout the store and an incessant loop of audio ads for COVID shots, flu shots, RSV shots, and shingles shots. All accompanied by fear porn and warnings about what could happen if we DID NOT take the shots (no mention at all about what could happen if we DID take them). 

Eat Junk Food NOW! Every aisle was filled with junk food. We looked at the ingredients list on several packages, including long-ago-favorite Milano Cookies. Almost nothing natural, plus a notation on the Milanos package that the product “contains bioengineered ingredients.” OMG 😲!…

Are People Buying IT? Fortunately, no one was buying the junk food (but, it was early and the store wasn’t busy). 

Also, no one was lined up at the pharmacy counter to get their arms jabbed with poison. Whew!

What to DO, What to DO! We must explain the potential harms from these shots (and “foods”) to everyone — all ages, all walks of life. MAHA — Make America Healthy Again — is the bandwagon that finally allows this conversation to enter polite company.

But we must do more… 

  • Repeal the PREP Act and anything similar.

  • Cancel the Childhood Vaccine Schedule (or at least ensure that it’s never mandatory or coerced for any kid or parent; parents must be able to “just say NO,” regardless of their reasons and without negative side effects for themselves or their kids).

  • Reinstate liability for all manufacturers of anything, including “vaccines” and weather modification chemicals. 

  • Focus on health freedom for all and legislate as needed: 🗽…


  • The Shocking Truth About Pharma Ads on TV. As told by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Calley Means. By The Vigilant Fox (11/17/24):

The Shocking Truth About Pharma Ads on TV
Nov 17
2:20 PM