New Data Exposes the Corruption Behind the COVID Response. It's time for COVID accountability so this can never happen again. By A Midwestern Doctor (11/12/24)
A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) addresses information that others have explained also, but does so with great insights and excellent references and links.
AMD opens with:
COVID-19 was arguably the worst public health disaster in history, and as more and more are now realizing, most of that could have been prevented if the medical industry had been less greedy throughout the pandemic and not put profits before people. Because of this, the unconditional trust the industry made enormous investments to create and has relied upon for decades has been shattered…
[This article will] focus on a few critical areas that need to exposed as we begin exploring the topic of COVID accountability—one of the key issues the Trump administration and the courts will have to address in the near future.
Topics include:
Journal Racketeering
Regulatory Corruption (revolving door of government officials who leave for cushy jobs in Pharma and Pharma funding of government agencies such as FDA)
Germany’s Regulatory Leaks (Robert Koch Institute revelations of political motivations among German leaders to stop Trump’s second term)
Vaccine Safety Database Corruption (VAERS underreported, misreported, and wiped of data)
Vaccine Discrimination (hatred towards the unvaccinated who had equal or less risk of acquiring and spreading COVID-19 than the “vaccinated”)
COVID Vaccine Trials (horrific levels of fraud)
COVID Lawsuits (increasing in number but extraordinarily difficult to win due to PREP act and other laws)
Vaccine Exemptions (almost impossible to get; some doctors at risk for issuing them)
Typically, two things can create change within the American political system:
New laws being passed.
Punitive lawsuits and jail time for criminal participants.
Both are needed to cause governments and businesses to prevent the above abuses from happening in the future.
Whistleblower Leak Exposes US-German Interference in COVID-19 Lockdowns & Mandates. “This actually shocked me, and that’s hard to do after everything I’ve been through with COVID.” — Dr. Chris Martenson. By FLCCC Alliance (11/15/24):