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Bird Flu and how they’ll try to scare you… What you need to know. + polio too! Dr. Kevin Stillwagon (11/21/24)


The incomparable Dr. Stillwagon concisely explains how the authorities will try to scare everyone about bird flu and what you can do to inoculate yourself against the fear.

The playbook is the same two-part plan the “public health” authorities have trotted out for years:

  1. Ramp up the testing for genetic material associated with bird flu.

    1. A positive test on the outside of a person doesn’t mean the inside will get sick.

    2. They’ll call positive tests “cases” and create a fear map showing rapid spread.

    3. They’ll exaggerate mortality rates using statistics from immunocompromised people whose illness is not properly managed.

  2. Convince the panicked to be injected with a “vaccine” that contains the foreign protein (hemagglutinin), or — worse — the message to have their body make it (like the mRNA gene therapy COVID shots).

The side effects of the “vaccines” could be serious, just as they were for COVID shots. Dr. Stillwagon explains these in some detail.

Bottom Line:

  • As for all communicable diseases, most infected with bird flu will have mild easily-resolved symptoms, and some people will be completely asymptomatic.

  • Do not panic, take care of yourself, use prevention and early treatment, and STEER CLEAR of any recommended jabs.


Nov 22
1:41 PM