Pfizer pregnancy trial showed the COVID shots increased AESIs (like major congenital abnormalities) in newborns by over 4X. There was no benefit in terms of reduced COVID infections. But vaccinated moms had major adverse events happen to their babies at a rate 4.2X higher than unvaxxed moms. Does anyone care? By Steve Kirsch (11/26/24)…
The title and subtitle say it all: Despite exhortations of government agencies, medical associations and licensing boards, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, COVID-shot manufacturers and other “consensus opinion” hordes in the mainstream, these shots are NOT safe or effective for pregnant women or their babies.
Actually, the COVID shots aren’t safe or effective for ANYONE, aged womb to tomb. That’s a story many have told but humanity hasn’t been allowed to hear since ***well before*** Day One of the shot rollouts.
So much needless physical, emotional, and financial suffering and death have resulted from censorship, psychological warfare, and outright lies!
Thanks to people like Steve Kirsch and so many other doctors, scientists, statisticians, and journalists — who have been relentless, fearless, self-sacrificing, and right — the message has at last escaped the censorship genie's bottle.
People FINALLY are starting to wake up. Not enough and not soon enough, but it's happening.
Steve Kirsch’s Summary (slightly edited)
The vaccine is a total s**t show for pregnant women.
We now know that Pfizer’s own study shows no infection benefit, but a stunning 4.2X higher rate of AESIs such as major congenital abnormalities and developmental delays in just the first 6 months after birth. From Pfizer’s study alone, we are 90% certain the vaccine is harmful. Dr. Thorp’s work … reduces the chance of error to close to zero…
With no benefit and clear harms, the medical community should immediately stop recommending these shots for pregnant women.
Since these results have been known for 5 months and the medical community is still pushing the shots on pregnant women, I believe I can confidently predict that we should expect no changes will happen.
What will Trump’s proposed Surgeon General say? Will anyone dare ask?
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Recommendations (LIES!):…
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Recommendations (LIES! Just two examples):
Dr. James Thorp (TRUTH! Dr. Thorp literally has been screaming UNSAFE for several years):
Testimony at Southwest District Health Meeting that helped the board vote against future COVID-19 shot administration:… (see 1:08:30-1:14:20 timestamp, includes transcript)
Several papers by Dr. James Thorp are included in Steve Kirsch’s article