ICAN Obtains Evidence Showing the Government is Ramping Up Geoengineering Research (11/27/24)
Since at least 2021, the U.S. government has been ramping up solar geoengineering—manipulating the amount of sunlight reaching the earth—to “solve” the “problem” of “climate change.”
The government has focused on stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), which injects chemicals into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space in an effort to cool the earth.
All this, despite the potentially deadly risks of such technology including drought, heat waves, acid rain, food shortages, ozone layer depletion, and geopolitical conflict. [ED NOTE: Not to mention possible impacts on wildfires and human health.]
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) operates this program, called SABRE, along with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Many pages of the contracts are redacted to protect an “individual’s privacy” with no mention of why such privacy outweighs the public’s interest in knowing whether the government is considering SAI deployment to intentionally alter our climate. ICAN is working to remove redactions and get more information about these programs.
The money being spent on these taxpayer funded contracts is enormous, and the harms could be too. The government is trying to combat global warming with no proof that global cooling wouldn’t be more harmful or that human intervention will even work.
Honestly, folks, we MUST STOP fooling with Mother Nature. Playing with numbers and measurements has resulted in a great deal of climate alarmism (and a climate industrial complex of vast proportions). But the bottom line is that the Earth's climate ebbed and flowed naturally long before humans walked the earth and life goes on (just one, admittedly cherry picked, example to prove the point: news.mit.edu/2022/earth…).
How Cold is Yakutsk? Are the Russians using geoengineering to warm their climate? Apparently, the answer is NYET! (11/27/24, video 1:08): x.com/instablog9ja/stat…
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Health Freedom & Other Solutions for Idaho & Beyond > GEOENGINEERING (WEATHER MODIFICATION) & TOXIC SPRAYING: No Geoengineering or High Altitude Toxic Spraying in Idaho: eolson47.substack.com/p…
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