What Makes Hospitals So Deadly and How Can We Fix It? November's Open Thread. By A Midwestern Doctor (11/24/24)

AMD answers burning questions about:

  • What has led to the current high costs and poor outcomes of hospitalization in America?

  • What can be done to increase the survival rates in our hospitals?

  • How can we protect a loved one that’s hospitalized?

Solutions include:

  • Treat people at home if at all possible.

  • In the hospital, adjust the dose and the hospitalization length to properly allow each patient to heal rather than adhering to standardized government or insurance edicts.

  • Choosing a hospital

    • Choose a hospital and doctors before you need hospitalization.

    • Choose smaller more rural hospitals with individualized care, lower costs, and more compassionate staff over large medical centers.

    • Choose a hospital that is transparent about its services and their costs.

    • Ask the senior resident in your chosen hospital(s) who offers the best care. If necessary, have another doctor make the call because doctors tend to support their own.

  • Train doctors and other medical professionals better! Encourage critical thinking over cookie cutter treatments.

  • Work with your hospital doctor:

    • Connect emotionally (vs. confrontationally) with the hospital staff so they are more invested in helping the patient and want to collaborate with you in caring for them.

    • Have a caring relative or friend — or a team — be with a hospitalized patient as an advocate 24/7.

  • Advocate for better treatments in hospitals, including vitamin C for sepsis, UV blood irradiation and DMSO for a variety of conditions, nutritional supplementation, IV amino acids, and B vitamins.

What Makes Hospitals So Deadly and How Can We Fix It?
Nov 28
2:56 PM