The app for independent voices

ENT Pearls of Wisdom. By Dr. Mary Talley Bowden (12/03/24, podcast 57:48)…

Dr. Bowden discusses common sleep, sinus, and allergy problems and offers self-help tips to keep you out of the doctor’s and surgeon's office.

Among the tips:

  • Be conservative in your approach, and use self-help whenever possible.

  • Use Nasal Saline Rinse with Bottles (vs. Neti pots). Neilmed offers great products:

  • If you aren't allergic to iodine, you can add a few drops to the Neilmed rinse to fight nasal/sinus infections.

  • To reduce snoring, avoid sleeping on your back. (She mentioned a backpack that can help you avoid back sleeping.)

  • CPAP machines can help with moderate to severe sleep apnea. Surgery should be a last resort. It usually does not alleviate snoring and sleep apnea.

  • Magnesium can help with sleep. So can gentle eye massage, weighted blankets, and listening to boring books.

  • Avoid sleeping pills.

Dec 4
2:27 PM