Australian excess deaths are highly correlated with the number of booster vaccinations. Booster shots correlated strongly with excess deaths. Changing the number of unvaccinated people didn't change the excess deaths. Who would have guessed? By Steve Kirsch (12/04/24)
The paper titled “The correlation between Australian Excess Deaths by State and Booster Vaccinations” (July 2024) confirmed the following facts (yet again):
More “vaccines” —> more excess deaths (estimate 1 death per 1,182 boosters)
More “vaccines” —> more COVID cases
Simplified definition: “Excess deaths” or “excess mortality” measures the increase in all-cause deaths compared to the expected number during a selected period or within a certain group. Details:…
Can we please, please, please STOP THE COVID SHOTS now? We have enough data. We have seen enough results.