We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals. Jenna McCarthy's 9 simple changes to limit exposure to PFAS and make your home healthier. By FLCCC Alliance and Jenna McCarthy (12/10/24)


Forever chemicals—technically termed PFAS, for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances—are a class of compounds that have been produced since the 1940s by companies like 3M and DuPont, originally for things like greasing machinery parts, insulating wire, extinguishing petroleum-based fires, and developing atomic bombs. But because the product was so darned versatile, within a decade, PFAS had been incorporated into consumer packaging from fast food burger wraps and takeout containers to pizza boxes and microwave popcorn bags. — Jenna McCarthy

In her always humorous yet fact-filled way, Jenna McCarthy explains the dangers of forever chemicals and ways to eliminate them from your life.

Tips (non-entertainingly extracted from Jenna’s article):

  1. Use ceramic, cast iron, stainless steel, and glass cookware. Avoid nonstick coating.

  2. Avoid plastic cutting boards, which are a significant source of microplastics in food.

  3. Install a good water filter (such as reverse osmosis or activated carbon) that removes PFAS.

  4. Avoid plastics for food storage. Switch to unpackaged products if possible or transfer them to glass, parchment, or natural wax paper.

  5. Avoid cosmetic and personal care product whose ingredients start with "Perfluoro-" or "polyfluoro-" and anything labeled waterproof or long-lasting (especially sunscreen). Choose brands that explicitly state they are PFAS-free.

  6. Use a product safety app such as Yuka (yuka.io/en), which “deciphers product labels and analyzes the health impact of food products and cosmetics.”

  7. Avoid “stain-resistant” or “waterproof” products, which are likely made that way through PFAS.

  8. Avoid microwave popcorn. Pop homemade stovetop popcorn in olive or coconut oil instead.

  9. Choose fresh over packaged produce. Bring mesh bags to the grocery store so you don’t need to transfer food when you get home. Example amazon.com/Biodegradabl…


  • Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Man­u­fac­tur­ers of Tox­ic PFAS ​“For­ev­er Chem­i­cals” for False­ly Adver­tis­ing House­hold Prod­ucts as Safe for Families (12/11/24): texasattorneygeneral.go…

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced a groundbreaking new lawsuit against the largest manufacturers of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) chemical products, 3M and DuPont, for misrepresentations and key omissions they made in advertising the safety of brand names such as Teflon, Stainmaster, and Scotchgard.

  • Read ingredient labels for everything — including the wicked stuff being injected into you or your kids. FDA Vaccine Package Inserts & Product Approvals:

🔥FDA: VACCINE PACKAGE INSERTS & PRODUCT APPROVALS + ACAM2000 Mpox/Monkeypox/Smallpox (posted 09/18/24)


The FDA vaccine package inserts and product approvals are frightening and revelatory!

  1. Go to the link above.

Dec 12
2:08 PM