Inconvenient History of Salk Inactivated Polio Vaccine. Guest Essay by Sofia Karstens. Responding to the latest promoted false narrative about nominated HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Guest post hosted by Robert W Malone MD, MS (12/15/24)…

In this excellent guest post, Sofia Karstens outlines the history of polio “vaccine,” its lack of efficacy, its likely targeting a “disease” linked to other causes such as DDT spraying, its contamination by live rather than killed virus, and its role in causing cancer due to the presence of SV40 DNA.

All those who must rebut arguments that the polio vaccine saved the world and was the greatest thing since sliced bread should read this article.

Related information:

Stand for Health Freedom is asking people to write their Senators to insist that RFK Jr. be confirmed as HHS Secretary. Take action for Kennedy here: standforhealthfreedom.c…

Polio is one of many examples of the myth that "vaccines" save lives and eradicate disease. Here are some additional links to bust the myths. There are many more, but these are a good start:



  • "Safe and Effective" video propaganda (30 sec):…

  • "1956 Film on Polio Vaccine (portion) Reel America®" (03:28, link below)

Dec 16
1:55 PM