BOMBSHELL: Australian drug regulator knows DNA fragments in mRNA vaccines can enter nucleus and integrate into genome, internal emails show. The Therapeutic Goods Administration withheld information on DNA contamination risks from the public, presenting a picture of certainty where there is none. By Rebekah Barnett (12/18/24)
According to internal emails released under Freedom of Information (FOI), Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) withheld knowledge of DNA contamination risks relating to the modRNA (mRNA) vaccines from the public, stating vaccine safety instead.
Australia’s TGA performs a similar function to the United States FDA, which also has suppressed truthful information.
This article is long, but we hope the summary below will illustrate the regulators' wanton disregard for safety in order to promote the genetic therapy COVID shots.
Emails revealed that high-level TGA staff knew elements of the modRNA (called “mRNA” in the US) vaccines can enter the cell nucleus and integrate into the genome, despite the agency’s official line that such events are not possible. Thanks to Dr Melissa McCann, who requested TGA correspondence and further exposed the regulator’s duplicity.
Highlights from the behind-the-scenes emails:
TGA staff acknowledge that DNA integration into the genome is possible
TGA knows that the SV40 enhancer/promoter in the Pfizer vaccine can drag DNA into the nucleus of cells
Pfizer did not disclose the SV40 sequence to the regulator
TGA staff not aware of any testing for modRNA/DNA integration into human genome
Assertions Regulators Denied while Knowing the Truth
Yes, foreign DNA can integrate into chromosomal DNA
SV40 enhancer region can promote nuclear transport of DNA
Risks exist
Selected Scientific Responses (the article presents many more)
Kevin McKernan, the US Genomics Scientist who discovered the DNA contamination in the Covid modRNA vaccines (others have confirmed it)
TGA does not understand the risk of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and how these make the 10 ng [regulatory limit] irrelevant. All their citations refer to naked DNA.
TGA is not up to date on peer-reviewed science showing DNA contamination in the modRNA vaccines is over the regulatory limit.
The assertion that smaller fragments of DNA result in lower risk assumes naked DNA, not DNA wrapped in LNPs.
The chance that no residual DNA exists in the LNPs is zero.
Contrary to TGA claims, the plasmid is not just bacterial; it also has “mammalian origins of replication and viral elements.”
Dr Mel McCann, whose FOI request unearthed these emails stated: “Rather than contemplate the catastrophic consequence of DNA integration into the human genome or oncogenicity, the email trails focus on sanitising the public statement.” While Dr McCann was not surprised, she felt the emails showed “disgraceful disregard for the risk to public.”