American Thought Leaders: Sen. Johnson: Why Trump Needs a ‘Secretary of Information Extraction’ to Restore Transparency. Host: Jan Jekielek. Guest: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) (12/21/24, podcast/video 56:22)

Our oversight authority is probably our greatest authority and greatest responsibility. ... We’ve got to fund government. But then once we funded it, we need to take a look at what we funded. … What we passed, did it actually work? — Sen Ron Johnson

Sen. Ron Johnson embodies the true meaning of “American Statesman.” Listen to this interview with American Thought Leaders host Jan Jekielek to find out why we say this.


In the next Congress, Johnson will again chair the Homeland Security Committee’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. This committee has unique (and much needed) subpoena powers to investigate crime and corruption within the U.S. government and beyond.

The interview covers a wide range of topics including:

  • The Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) movement;

  • How the incoming administration can restore transparency, scientific integrity, and small government;

  • Why Congress must retake its oversight authority.


  • Senator Johnson Biography (from his website):…

  • Sign up for Sen. Johnson’s Newsletter (worth reading!):

Dec 26
2:28 PM