Trump's "Bleach" Conference Alluded To The Antidote For Future Pandemics. Globally ridiculed for his comments, Trump was erroneously thought to be referring to chlorine dioxide, a treatment nationally deployed by Bolivia which led to the best outcomes in South America. By Pierre Kory, MD, MPA (12/24/24)
This is Part 1 of a planned series on chlorine dioxide (ClO2), a “broad and powerful anti-microbial and disinfectant.” ClO2 is safe for human ingestion at therapeutic doses and may be useful for a wide range of infectious and even non-infectious diseases (though propaganda will tell you otherwise). ClO2 is already used widely to disinfect air, food, and water, as well as for oral care and dental procedures.
Edited quote from the article:
…hundreds of in-vitro, animal, human toxicologic, and human efficacy [ClO2] studies have been done of food, water, sanitation, industrial, pharmaceutical and disinfecting applications, along with many dozens of oral and dental conditions like halitosis and atrophic candidiasis (tongue fungus). Further, studies of topical administration find that it eradicates wound infections and promotes robust wound healing...
However, very few studies have been published using oral ingestion for internal treatment of infectious diseases (or any other medical disorder for which it is claimed to be effective). However, although few, the studies that have been done with oral ingestion of chlorine dioxide are beyond compelling...
Dr. Kory promises that these posts will “massively impact your ability to protect your health, especially in regards to any future pandemics that may arise from bioweapons research.” He asks you to subscribe to receive the updates (start here pierrekorymedicalmusing…; you’ll be prompted if you aren’t already a subscriber ).
This information is provided for educational research only. We are not advocating or endorsing any of these products or procedures. We have not tried them. We are not doctors or dentists. Use at your own risk after consulting with professionals whom you can trust.
Key points:
Trump’s April, 2020 press conference brought up some non-invasive, non-vaccine ideas he was “looking into” in order to combat COVID-19. Link to press conference clip (1:08):…
Though the mainstream press said Trump suggested the coronavirus could be treated by injecting disinfectant, like bleach, into the body, this was not true.
ClO2, UV light, and other non-invasive disinfecting options and safe drugs likely were on Trump’s mind — not injecting bleach.
Dr. Kory describes early COVID treatments that were greatly successful, including ClO2, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and many others depicted in a now-famous “forest plot” chart (see graphic below and linked here:
ClO2 was not included in the forest plot due to a global embargo on ClO2 research. However, those clinicians who used it on patients, found that it worked well and was not toxic.
Dr. Kory’s concluding quote:
This post gave a brief overview and context to the topic of chlorine dioxide. I invite you to subscribe to ensure you read the rest of the series on this topic, with the next one being a description of how Bolivia adopted chlorine dioxide in their Covid response to great success. Later, I will go into the scientific mechanisms, disease applications, published studies, and treatment protocols.
338. WHAT WHITE MICE AND COLOMBIAN GOLD MINERS TELL US ABOUT MERCURY CHELATION WITH OSR. If you have had dental amalgams or any vaccines, you were mercury poisoned, but OSR ("Oxidative Stress Relief" / NBMI) will likely help. Boyd Haley's friends spent $50 million studying it. By ROBERT YOHO, MD (12/23/24):…
Chlorine Dioxide Testimonials for a variety of diseases: