Why Does the COVID Vaccine Persist In The Body? The consequences of the questionable decisions made to manufacture the mRNA vaccines. By A Midwestern Doctor (12/23/24)

New data recently emerged showing that the COVID vaccines persist for up to 700 days within patients (and likely longer). AMD explains how this happens and how it relates to the COVID-19 vaccine production process. We’ve done our best to boil down a lengthy article into key points below.

Summary with Topic Headings:

Upsides and Downsides

  1. It’s difficult to find an acceptable balance between sensitivity and specificity of vaccines and medical tests.

  2. Rushing to find an acceptable balance between two conflicting positions is flawed and prone to creating significant future issues.

  3. The vaccine program reflects these difficulties and conflicts.

How Vaccines “Work”

A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) posits: The immune system may be one of the least understood parts of physiology due to immunological research focusing on profitable pharmaceuticals rather than understanding how the immune system actually works. AMD presents various theories of how vaccines work and how government approaches them:

  • Governments favor top-down single interventions (vaccines) to address infectious disease outbreaks. These interventions can easily be distributed to everyone and make government seem as though it’s earnestly trying to safeguard public health.

  • Governments become deeply invested in vaccines. Once safety issues arise, governments double-down with mandates rather than reconsider the wisdom of the vaccine program.

Vaccine Production

Vaccine production involves a complex process that must: a) mass produce a dangerous organism’s antigen without the organism itself being present; b) administering that antigen into the body.

Whenever there is a choice between getting a dangerous vaccine to market or holding off because there isn’t a way to do it safely, the vaccine industry will always do the risky approach (especially in “emergency” situations) as they know they can unconditionally rely upon the US government to promote the product as “safe and effective” and then legally shield them from the disaster which inevitably follows. —AMD

COVID-19 Vaccine Hurdles

The race to create a COVID-19 vaccine was on, with the prize being a bundle of money. “Industry chose to adopt the fastest possible production pathway, and was quickly granted the legal immunity (and lavish funding) necessary to accomplish that.”

mRNA Vaccine Challenges

Why use the mRNA platform to create vaccines? Because the mRNA platform’s production turnaround time is much faster than existing alternatives (e.g., growing a virus in chicken eggs), a key reason why Fauci’s agency made decades of investments to develop the platform.

For the COVID-19 shot, industry focused on a dangerous part of the virus (spike protein) and encased it in toxic lipid nanoparticles. Other major problems existed as well, but these are two of the worst issues.

mRNA Manufacturing

Two key issues exist with COVID-19 vaccine production: producing the vaccines at scale and the body produce spike protein at scale.

  • mRNA design: Pseudouridylation, in which pseudouridine replaces uridine in mRNA molecules, was needed to resist immune system degradation of mRNA. This design made the mRNA and spike protein production persist in the body for a prolonged period

  • mRNA preservation: mRNA is fragile and highly susceptible to common environmental factors. Manufacturers tried to resolve this using ultra frozen storage, but soon gave up. The resulting degradation may have been a blessing in disguise as degraded, broken mRNA appeared to be less harmful.

  • Process 1 vs. Process 2:

    Process 1: A cleaner process, Process 1, was used to make mRNA for the trials. It employed controlled replications with minimal contaminants present.

    Process 2: Unfortunately, Process 1 could not be scaled, so they Process 2. In Process 2, E. coli bacteria were genetically modified to have DNA containing the spike protein, antibiotic resistance, and the SV-40 promoter (part of a cancer-causing SV-40 virus).

    Research by Kevin McKernan and others revealed contaminants in the finished shots, including:

    • DNA plasmids with the potential to: Alter the human microbiome and genome'; and create spike protein indefinitely.

    • SV-40 promoter: Linked to cancer.

  • Inconsistent Manufacturing

    The COVID-19 manufacturing was inherently flawed, with results such as:

    • Metal particles and glass shards.

    • Lipid nanoparticles but no mRNA.

    • Inconsistent lots, with “hot lots” creating more harm.

    • Poor mixing.

    • Possible placebo vials shipped when mRNA was in short supply.

  • Blot Gate

    • Western Blots are used to measure proteins and assess quality.

    • COVID-19 vaccine Western Blots were computer faked or showed proteins that didn’t belong in the shots.

mRNA Persistence

  1. The susceptibility to vaccine injuries differed greatly, but seemed to cluster (e.g., severely injured spouses received shots and the same time, likely from the same vaccine lot).

  2. Many people appear sensitive to shedding by the vaccinated, indicating persistence.

  3. Many with vaccine injuries suffered toxic reactions to spike proteins in their bloodstream months or years after vaccination.

Pivotal mRNA Studies

Two initial concerns were:

  • The experimental gene therapies could change our DNA

  • They therapies could persist in the body for a prolonged period.

To counter these concerns, Drs. Anthony Fauci and Paul Offit made sales pitches to dismiss these concerns, without providing supporting data.

Several studies cited in AMD’s article have since refuted the mainstream claims that:

  1. The mRNA in vaccines cannot enter the cell’s nucleus.

  2. The vaccine’s mRNA breaks down rapidly in the cell, with no time to enter the nucleus and change your DNA.

  3. mRNA is not DNA, so believing mRNA can change DNA represents a fundamental lack of knowledge of biology.

The (actual) scientific studies now show proof that:

  • Long vax is a real syndrome.

  • Spike protein persists in the body more than two months post vaccination, as reflected by spike protein antibody titers.


  1. Addressing COVID with a vaccine was an exercise in futility. No successful coronavirus vaccines have ever been produced (COVID-19 is a coronavirus).

  2. Best option: Quickly develop viable treatments for the illness that would prevent severe complications and allow infected people to recover with a strong natural immunity (even CDC admits natural immunity is vastly superior to vaccine immunity for COVID-19).

  3. Our medical apparatus did everything possible to push the vaccine while simultaneously burying myriad effective off-patent treatments for COVID-19.

  4. The pathway Bill Gates put into place for lucrative accelerated approvals is still in place.

  5. We must understand how these technologies work and the trade-offs involved before accepting them.

  6. Had the public known the relative mildness of COVID-19 and the serious side effects of COVID-19 shots, they likely would not have taken the shots.

  7. Contamination, production issues, and lack of independent testing are systemic problems with all mass-produced vaccines. If people actually knew what was in the vaccines they were taking, demand likely would disappear until the industry cleaned up its act.

  8. The most effective way to stop these unsafe products is simply to massively boycott them so they become financially unsustainable.

  9. The FDA and CDC have lost an immense amount of trust due to their fear campaigns, flagrant lies to the public, and refusal to be accountable for their actions. Perhaps financial pressure through boycotts can change this.

Why Does the COVID Vaccine Persist In The Body?
Dec 27
4:47 PM