Idaho Legislature: New Year. New Courage, New Motivation!! By Glenneda ZUIDERVELD (12/29/24)…
Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld discusses her upcoming plans as she sits on two important Idaho legislative committees:
Her top priorities for the 2025 legislative session include:
GROCERY/SALES TAX – Provide that sales of food shall be exempt from sales tax and revise the sales tax distribution formula. She will reintroduce then-Representative Ron Nate’s updated H448 (2022), which was printed but died in Ways & Means (01/20/22):…
STOP BUDGET WASTE — Identify and eliminate waste in our $13.9 billion Idaho State Budget. See DOGE Idaho article for more details:…
Budget slashing success will require a bold approach—think Milton Friedman bold.
Do check out comments from readers on this article, including:
How Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) wastes money on an expensive, liability-free, unproven cloud seeding program (but wants more money despite having no idea about how much they need or what good it will do):…
Our usual request regarding health and other freedom legislation:…