Idaho Legislature: To Raise the Pay, or Not to Raise the Pay, That is the Question! A heart to serve. By Zito for Idaho (12/29/24)
Senator-elect Christy Zito (LD8) bravely speaks out against having the legislature accept a 22% Legislator pay increase, and she provides good reasons for her opposition, including:
The forgotten men and women of Idaho who work hard to pay their taxes have not received a 22% increase in pay this year.
Many Idahoans struggle to put food on the table, paying the outrageous tax on groceries, and ensuring their children have warm clothes.
Idaho has increased the State budget by 55% in just 5 YEARS, far surpassing the cost-of-living adjustments and population increases.
Last year, 40% of the state budget was federal dollars; each dollar comes with shackles of DEBT and recipient “behavior” requirements.
Our legislature is meant to be part-time. The system was not intended to create career politicians who serve lobbyist interests.
The Idaho Legislature can reject the 22% raise by a concurrent resolution introduced as the legislative session begins. Christy is the floor sponsor of a concurrent resolution REJECTING this increase.