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Idaho Legislature: To Raise the Pay, or Not to Raise the Pay, That is the Question! A heart to serve. By Zito for Idaho (12/29/24)

Senator-elect Christy Zito (LD8) bravely speaks out against having the legislature accept a 22% Legislator pay increase, and she provides good reasons for her opposition, including:

  • The forgotten men and women of Idaho who work hard to pay their taxes have not received a 22% increase in pay this year.

  • Many Idahoans struggle to put food on the table, paying the outrageous tax on groceries, and ensuring their children have warm clothes.

  • Idaho has increased the State budget by 55% in just 5 YEARS, far surpassing the cost-of-living adjustments and population increases.

  • Last year, 40% of the state budget was federal dollars; each dollar comes with shackles of DEBT and recipient “behavior” requirements.

  • Our legislature is meant to be part-time. The system was not intended to create career politicians who serve lobbyist interests.

  • The Idaho Legislature can reject the 22% raise by a concurrent resolution introduced as the legislative session begins. Christy is the floor sponsor of a concurrent resolution REJECTING this increase.

To Raise the Pay, or Not to Raise the Pay, That is the Question!
Dec 31
3:48 PM