"Democrats are no longer the intelligent party." Correct. Let's refer to them as the Clusterfuck Party. And long may they stay that way. You guys painted yourselves into the corner. Deal with it! That goes for the media, as well.
07/22/24: Oh how I am looking forward to the DDDC (Demolition Derby Democrat Convention) in August! Guaranteed to disintegrate into warring factions, with blatant racial insults hurled, deranged statements screamed, DEI banners waving for the last time, and Whoopie Cheeseburger of The View making a few bucks slinging beer cans in the cheap seats. P.S., Rough sledding for Kamala Has-Been on this coming Thursday, August 25th.
Don't forget the Palestinians. They have delegates inside the hall this time and a loud, disobedient contingent outside. They marched on Michigan Avenue one week after October 7. They will not be dissuaded and the Mayor is on their side so don't expect cops to corral them.
Police should just sit it out in their cars. Not worth the risk. Damned if they do or don’t. Each time I visit my home town I see the disintegration. Truly sad.