
New gaming build, courtesy of Still have to place the order, but looking forward to the upgrade. My trusty Corsair ONE has reached the end of its useful life.

I was shooting for something less expensive but, here in the EU, it’s challenging. There’s a premium because of the VAT, so… well, it is what it is.

My requirements: It had to be upgradeable, and have room for expansion. I wanted to push the limits on storage, hence a PCIe M2 SSD that pushes 14,500 MB/sR. Honestly, that was a costly decision because it meant a higher-end motherboard, not to mention the latest and greatest SSD. Graphics: Well, I can’t order an RTX 5090 yet, so it’ll have to be an RTX 4090. And the rather large memory (for a gaming PC) was specifically driven by Star Citizen, which actually does make use of all that RAM.

Here’s the specs in detail, if you’re interested (in Spanish, but it’s not too hard to figure out what it means in English). Plus a photo of the Corsair 5000x case courtesy of (an awesome place to get good reviews).
