For men who don’t fit in.

I don’t fit in either.

I don’t give a rats ass about politics, sports games, or doing degenerate stuff like drinking myself to death.

I don’t fit in.

I’m 30, a developer, father and husband. I like taking care of my health and mind. Self improvement and learning is fun for me. I can talk about that and spiritual growth enough to write 20 books on it.

I don’t fit in.

I have few friends and the ones I do have don’t “get” me. My parents and in-laws don’t “get” me.

I don’t fit in.

I’m not voting. I’m not putting my kids in school (we homeschool) and I’m not religious but I believe in God.

I don’t fit in.

My wife is my best friend because we get each other and teaching my kids things about life is fun. We grow each year and learn so much together (6 years married). But many think my wife and I are weird because we refuse to celebrate consumerism (aka holidays) like everyone else.

We don’t fit in.

I started my creator and writer journey 2 years ago and tried to fit in but I haven’t “succeeded.” I’m inspired by people on Substack and raw YouTube talks because they don’t fit into hype projected by the algorithm but somehow they broke it haha.

We don’t fit in.

So to anyone who’s read this far, you don’t need to fit in. You just need to exist, experiment, and experience life to find those small things that make you feel like they fit you.

Because we don’t need to fit in!


Nov 4
6:22 PM