I sigh as I read another Iain Davis hit piece on UKColumn, and me in person, because we have not covered the Manchester bombings in the way that Iain Davis sees fit. My goodness, a video to attack me this time. Perhaps I should feel honoured that I am the target of a substack video hit.
The real issue here is that to Richard D Hall and Iain, the Manchester bombings are the most important thing in the world. And both are entitled to think so. Iain is so deep into it that he has written a book and sent me pages and pages for me to read. Presumably so that I will be convinced that it should be my key priority. Unfortunately I was not convinced by all of his rather wordy comment and analysis, nor that the subject of the Manchester bombings should immediately be my key reporting priority.
But I respect Ian’s opinion and I certainly respect the work that Richard D Hall has done.
Over the years, my personal prority has been on different subjects. For example Common Purpose, Global governance, propaganda, mind control and its attack on society, and child stealing by the state. And child stealing by the state has now come to the fore again with a vengeance. I would be working on that now if I was not spending time having to defend myself and the UKColumn from Iain’s latest ‘constructive criticism’.
During Covid it was UKColumn that led the exposure of vaccine damage and the duplicity of the Yellow Card system. UKColumn reports and has reported, many other subjects that are not within either Iain’s or Richard D Hall’s field of interest. The difference is that we at the UKColumn do not crtiticise Iain or David for their failure to follow our lead in these and other areas.
No, we do not cover a number of other subjects in detail, because we have enough on our plates.
We see that others are doing a good job and we are happy to let them get on with it. Should I write and make ‘constructive criticism’ videos about Iain or Richard D Hall because I don’t fully agree with their position or because neither have supported me on child abuse? Clearly I shouldn’t, as this would be this unhelpful and divisive to everyone working hard to fight the beast emerging around us.
The comments now running on Iain’s Controlled Controlled Psyop Psyop substack piece now demostrate that it has simply achieved an introverted exchange where many people are now suspicious of each other and everyone including Iain. The comment focus is not on the people and mechanisms working to attack us, our families and society, but on who in ‘the movement’ is a bad’un. The poisonous suspicion circulates and grows amongst people who should be supporting each other to give a united strength against the evil state mechanisms destroying our lives. Be it by propaganda and false flag attacks or by stealing our children.
Iain you are effectively saying do as I think and say or I will attack you. You claim that your ‘criticism’ is ‘constructive.’ On the contrary it has the insidious style of ‘passive aggressive’ and this is wrong and very unfair, especially from someone who has been part of the UKColumn literary team.
Your piece is inappropriate and misguided Iain. It helps nobody.