
The DR is having a lot of internal strife between the Christians and the Nietzschean Vitalists. We are basically on the same side guys. Yes we don't agree on Morality, your right we will never agree on Contraception, Abortion, or Male-Female Dynamics in general. But Mes Amis, let's remember what's important, the Left is literally Fagging up the Kids and castrating them while teaching white kids to hate themselves while simultaneously giving all other groups special privileges. These Communist des morceaux de merde are setting things up for all of us to either be lined up on the wall and collectively shot in the back of the head or burning everything down to the ground with all of us inside it. Wether you have kids or not I would think we can all agree that would be a rather pitiful way for our empire to fall right? I think we generally know that Normies can at best only be herded so trying to treat them as if they have the same level of agency as a 140 IQ is self defeating bc they mainly operate off of Instinct and Stimulation even at 100 IQ with a limited capacity for reason at best.

To my Vitalist friends,

Bonjour Mes Amis. It's no secret how (True Devout) Christians feel about Abortion, IVF, or Sex. Most of us, myself included have been pretty clear about our Long Term Political Goals. I being a Deeply Bred Confederate favor the Jeffersonian-Anti Federalist approach to Politics and think basically all laws and enforcement should be at the State and Local Levels almost exclusively. My Localism-Distributist Leanings to Economics come from my Cajun Trad Cath Background, it's how I grew up, and it works in most places. Local Economies that are flexible at State and Federal Levels tend produce good results. You guys are great, id probably have a beer and smoke Pipe Tobacco with most of you guys (and girls), might even break out the Moonshine. I know that alot of Christian Critique can be sharp on your positions on Moral issues but…you do need us. We have Influence over the masses, we have Infrastructure (The SSPX, Sedecantavists, and FSSP, The Russian Orthodox Church, the Southern Baptist Convention, various Reformed Denominations), Capital, Academic Credentials in some cases, and a Considerable Media Presence when you consider names like Candace Owens or Tucker Carlson, as well as lesser but widely knowns such as Doug Wilson or Voddie Bauchem are part of our team.

To my Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I get it, trust me I do, and your right they are ultimately wrong on Moral Issues. But let's not lose sight of the Big Picture here. We need high energy high IQ people like

and . They package ideas in a Sexy and appealing way that is attractive and relatable to people. They understand Culture they Understand Trends and we can learn from them. Just like Andrew and defend Pearl Davis, Myron Gaines, and Bryan from Whatever Podcast I think we can take a similar approach with the above mentioned folk. We can say “hey these people are correctly diagnosing a lot of problems they just offer incorrect long term solutions” and we can offer better solutions without aligning ourselves as enemies. At the end of the day they do something we aren't good at THEY PULL PEOPLE AWAY FROM THE LEFT! And that's a victory for all of us. We need people to leave the Left, we need people to stop being Cringe “enlightened Centrists”. These people make great cases against the Woke and the LGBT mafia. They aren't shy about Race and IQ, shy about the Khazars and hate Feminist bullshit. John Doyle famously supports Trump not because he thinks Trump is an end all be all but BECAUSE HE WILL MOVE THE BALL DOWN THE FIELD. Which is exactly what these guys will do, if we let them. We need them, they need Us. We can sort the Morality issues out later at the State and Local Levels, after we Stomp the Pedophiles, The Trannies, The Queers, and the Communists into the Dirt. We are going to win in the long run anyway, we are out breeding everyone, and will continue to do so because we love having 3 or more kids. We win the War, they are helping us win decisive battles, Ave Christus Rex in the End anyway. So… read more Saint Augustine and laissez le bon temps rouler!
