Carmen Hunter-A Peace Seeker 

Carmen: Certified Coach, Spiritual Guide, Trip Sitter, Mom, Lifelong Student, Educator, Peace Seeker, Mentor, Guide, Friend, and Caretaker of Hearts.

We are two spirit filled women shining the light for others to find their own shine we would love the subscribes and will follow you back to help you grow!

MDMA can be a tricky one to market but we know it’s changing lives and we would love the growth help!

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MY Unspoken Rule for Substackers with Less Than 500 Subscribers

(This Shouldn’t Need to Be Said, But Here We Are)

Look, if you’ve got fewer than 500 subscribers, you’re in the trenches with the rest of us. You’re grinding, refreshing your stats like a junkie, questioning your life choices every time you see “0 new subscribers” for the third day in a row.

So let’s make this clear: If I subscribe to your Substack, you subscribe to mine. No excuses. No ghosting. No “I only subscribe to newsletters th…