I just read an article about all the chemicals and forever chemicals in other products I never considered. Like toilet paper, kleenex, paper plates, contact lenses, dental floss, clothing, and more. Let's face it, I don't think there is anything that is not contaminated anymore. It feels hopeless at this point. We can't live in a bubble. But that is exactly what it feels like. There are things people can do to avoid some of it, but it's too costly for my budget. Safer products cost a lot more, too. Products to protect us from 5G is very expensive. And I am doomed because they put a 5G tower in a new housing development near me and it's very close to a school.
People can't just stay locked inside. This is beyond horrific. How can anyone escape what is being put in the air? Didn't Gates release fake mosquitoes carrying toxins? I remember reading something, or it may have been a video where a man had a mosquito in his hand and it was tagged.
These evil demons will never give up. Our entire world is contaminated. I believe at this point we are at the end of age. Man cannot possibly erradicate all the evil things that are taking place.