Arrian Ebrahimi 

Lover of economic history, epic poetry, and languages…the rest of my time generally goes to marathons 🏃🏽‍♂️ Georgetown Law ‘27 🏛| Yenching Academy '24 🀄️| St. Edward's '21 🐐 📍Currently in DC. Also found in: 新竹, 北京, SFBay
How Taiwan Sees the Chip War
Chip Island: How TSMC and Taiwan Triumph
REPORT: China’s Mature Node Overcapacity
A conversation among four Chinese semiconductor equipment giants
REPORT: Europe’s Strategic Push in the Semiconductor Race
OP-ED: To win the chip war, the U.S. must prioritize revolutionary research
REPORT: How to Make the NSTC a Moonshot Success
Japanese Chip Policy in an "Economic National Security" Era

🇯🇵 Great interview with Kazuto Suzuki, Japan’s foremost sanctions expert and advisor to their Ministry of the Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI)! I guess I’m more excited than ever to start law school this fall and become an export control attorney?

*Scroll down for a fun tidbit from my incoming Peking University thesis comparing China…

Japan's Economic Security Renaissance
Taiwan vs. US Chip Subsidies: Bolstering the Sacred Mountain
Podcast with Siècle Digital