What?! I just added 4,000 podcast downloads in 30 seconds.
I can't believe I didn't think of this before.
One of our partner podcasts was struggling to hit its download target.
Reporting time was coming. 😬
In comes the call from the sales team: "what can we do to boost these numbers?"
I had to find at least 1000 downloads - for an old episode - fast.
What would you do?
Then it hit me.
A ridiculously simple idea.
One I hadn’t seen suggested anywhere.
It was so *ridiculously* simple I thought it would never work.
Otherwise others would be talking about it. Surely?
But what the heck: it’s worth a shot.
And... it worked.
The action took me literally 30 seconds, and in two days delivered more than 4,000 additional downloads to the struggling episode.
Not just downloads, either - verified listens saw a boost too.
Want to know what it was?
All the details - and a step-by-step how-to - in my latest issue 👇