Christina Bishop 

Writer, Activist, Tubist, and creator of r/Struwwelkinder
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Please do an article on Wee Sing and its toxic origins from the Homeschooling Mom Movement that was big in the 80s and 90's with Christian Fundies. I know Buzzfeed wrote a piece about Wee Sing Videos being popular and coming back from the dead. Also backing Wee Sing is Music For All which is a charity under the Bands of America monopoly …

Thoughts on Modern Music Education

Boo this man!

This is why one Flying Circus Orchestra mantra is "Be a Music Teacher, not a Band Director." Although they can be lumped together, there is a fine difference. Music Teachers care about the general well-being of kids and make learning fun, but they are not paid enough. Band Directors see kids as money and profit and get all their resources from DCI, BOA, and NAMM met.

Why Merit-Based Pay for Teachers Would Be a Fail for Student Growth and Learning
Why Merit-Based Pay for Teachers Would Be a Fail for Student Growth and Learning

Good Omens needs to punch down at Scientology and Neil himself like Monty Python did British Bigots back then. Except for John Cleese, he is a TURF.

God Bless Graham Chapman, the man who wrestled himself.

Myers-Briggs is Pseudoscience

Anne Frank was born in Germany as German citizen they stripped her citizenship away… no one immigrant or not is safe. Step out of the comforting mindset of ‘surely not I’ before it kills you