
The app for independent voices

Unholy is the perfect word to describe white supremacy.

It is an unholy word that represents an unholy thing and unholy acts against human beings who are not White.

The language that white supremacy uses is unholy.

The deadly power used to dominate, humiliate and unmake Black, Brown, Indigenous, Asian and LGBTQIA humanity is unholy.

The current leader in the Oval Office believes that he has the absolute power and authority to reign down terror on the most vulnerable in this country.

But he should no…


I’m starting to really hate substack. I hate reading this kind of stuff and seeing it in my feed and not being able to curate the feed, like, at all. I just want to follow my friends, see some new content on occasion, write some things. I would like for it to be the platform I launched from 4 years ago. Zoomers do need to calm down, but …

I am sorry I threw up on your dick

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THE BATTLE FOR KURSK: Operation Pipeline + Putin Calls Trump’s Bluff on 'Ceasefire'

If I were an American today I would be so terribly ashamed to see my country starting a war to support Israel's genocide and quest for racial supremacy. With a known history of incredible violence and barbarism, this may very well be a new low for the (now globally unloved) USA


The worst pages of collective history, relived

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My Blog has been being hidden and was suspended. Please comment if you read this.

Links to Consider, 12/20

Peterson: Isn't the problem that too few Maidens can find mates worthy of becoming a Mother with?

You are probably accurate in this, though not in the White-Knight sense you likely mean it.

Throughout history the vast majority of women (really, both sexes) simply had to, in a word, *settle*. They had to take any offer of marriage from the best person who would make (or agree to) one because social pressure, economic necessity, and physical limitations did not allow a perpetual search for Mr/Miss Perfectly Right as opposed to Mr/Miss Right Here And Now. Sexual activity outside of a (reasonably) committed relationship was simply too risky in terms of unintended pregnancy, and without children and a long-term partner old age would be an even more miserable prospect. Birth control and abortion have largely eliminated the first pressure towards marriage and the modern welfare state put a big dent in the second (at least compared to the majority of history) as well as enabling many women to become Mothers while mated to The State. Throw the 'Have It All' mythology of feminism into the mix and you have a real toxic stew that is making both sexes miserable.

Feb 20, 2023
5:05 PM