
I will never forgive anyone who voted for Trump. They have actively, clearly, unreservedly, GLEEFULLY called for harm to be done to me and mine. When this is over and Trump is in jail they do not get to say, “Bygones.” and walk away as if it never happened.

And they will. Like Nazis declaring they never really supported Hitler they will deny they ever were in favor of Trump. They’ll try to gaslight us and say the yard signs we saw in their yard were never there, that the photos of them in red hats were photoshopped.

As they always have, they’ll deny responsibility for their actions and whine that they’re the real victims here because we insist on pointing out their crimes.

Well, fuck that. They eagerly supported the greatest threat to our freedom and country we have ever seen and that needs to be hung around their necks until the day they die.

We should not hasten that day and to that extent we can live “peacefully” with them. Not raise a hand violently against them but never let a day pass without reminding everyone just who they are.

2 replies
1 Restack
4:25 PM
Jul 26, 2024