
An interesting read by my pal Suzy. Love her bold moves to settle here in Northumberland and her commitment to Culture and magic. 🪄 📖

I’ll read Emma’s new book THE SUCESS MYTH when it comes out because I like her writing.

I’m not driven by SUCESS and I never have been, I’m driven by love, being of service and how things feel so I don’t know if the journal prompts will take me anywhere but I’m curious to find out.

I’ve often asked some of our friends who are driven by reward and achievement and SUCESS - “what does that feel like?”

I’m genuinely interested! I wonder whether because we (as a family) opt out of a lot of things society says you need to be happy and feel accomplished it just reframes what’s possible in intentional living.


Do you opt in or opt out or maybe your not sure yet?! There’s time, we have so much time.

“gentle questions which invite you to identify what really makes you happy versus the hamster wheel of constantly seeking external validation and rewards.”
"What does not having it all look like to you?"