Clarke Scott 

I'm Clarke Scott—a writer, thinker, contemplative, and former Buddhist monk from Australia. I write about philosophy, literature, and culture. The thrust of my work is the search for truth, peace, and meaning.

“It is truth, not ignorance, which makes us humble and gives us the sense of what remains unknown in our very knowledge.“ - Jacques Maritain

The real depth of this is not seen upon a casual read. But only in stillness that follows.

For instance, an idea for a song about grief came to me last night as I was listening to something I cannot remember now, but it took me to a moment in time where grief punched me in the face!

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Nostalgic Gestures & Planning Moves
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For me, one of the most beautiful things about life is that we can choose to push ourselves against the wall.

And by doing so, we come closer to who we really are…deep…deep…deep down inside.