
How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler

" leading left-wing politicians" There are no such animals in DC. They are liberals and DemocRATS, not remotely of the left. It would help if very smart writers like Glenn Greenwald and Caitlin Johnstone would stop using "left" in their descriptions of these hacks.... unless in quotes... please.... otherwise, great article, as usual.

I’m very careful about this distinction. But one of the most vocal voices demanding this Silicon Valley censorship was AOC, and she then praised them once they heeded her calls. I suppose you could say AOC isn’t really of the left but then we’re just into semantics land. In any event, I consciously used it here because of examples like that.

At 73 I still associate 'left' with the working classes and unions before mobs got 'em. We need a new terminology for our new/old villains.

It helps to look at the population in the aggregate within the construct of a Rubik’s Cube.

There is no “left” and “right” in a linear definition.

it’s a 3D construct and every individual is unique in their beliefs, values and principles...just like every other individual.

What we each have a Reptilian Brain.

Thus...conservatives are more likely to draw morality from Reverence for Traditional Institutions with Moral Authority, Fairness, Tradition, Loyalty, and Sanctity...whereas Liberal…

Yours is the best post I've seen on the internet in a long, long time.

Jan 13, 2021
3:55 AM