The day we all agree is the day we could all be wrong.
Disagreement can be a good thing.
I would say it's insulting for you to call me controlled opposition, but in fact, I pity you. It must be terrible living with that fear-controlled mind.
Look at Reinette's Substack? Yeah, we are good friends...
Jet exhaust can "over-seed" the sky with aerosols (soot, metals, sulfuric acid) and actually shut off rain. Regardless, I don't think you really understand what geoengineering is. Read more?
I am currently studying legal action in over 20 different states to see what methods work and what failed. What specifically was in the bill's text, and is it enforceable. This is not about Dane, this is about figuring out how to win not only in the court of public opinion, but in a court of law and legislative process.
I hope to create a…
I thoroughly enjoyed your comment and included it on air at the end of my video here:
I was simply questioning the meaning of the word control, and by claiming that They™ have control is giving them more credit than they're due.
Or, maybe, they have more control than we think and all the scientific claims saying cloud seeding is completely unpredictable is a side-show distraction.
Methinks the former is more likely than the…