
Alright, I’m officially launching the Substack Spring Sale. I’ll put together an aggregator page, linking to and promoting your individual sales.

The sale page will include a few lines about your writing, a sample story, and of course a link to your sale.

Here’s what I’ll need from participants:

  1. Create your own Substack sale, running from March 20-25, and send me the link

  2. Send me a quick blurb about your writing. Please do keep it short, it will appear alongside everyone else’s.

  3. Send a link to a sample story of yours, which you think is especially good.

  4. Crosspost and share the sale once it is live. Every participant that does this, magnifies our overall reach.

  5. Send all the info to me via email at with the subject line “SUBSTACK SPRING SALE.”

Thanks all! Please share this note far and wide too… the more the merrier, and the broader our reach.

I hear Amazon is doing a spring sale — likely pushing factory-made, mass produced crap.

Perhaps the writing community should do our own, and give the internet a chance to support small businesses and creators instead. If I aggregate something… would any other writers be intereste…
