NaPoWriMo Day Nine! Substack Version

Prompt: Our prompt for today… takes its inspiration from Pablo Neruda,…, the Chilean-born poet and Nobel Prize Winner. While he is most famous in the English-speaking world for his collection Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, he also wrote more than two hundred odes, and had a penchant for writing sometimes-long poems of appreciation for very common or mundane things. You can read English translations of “Ode to the Dictionary” at the bottom of this page…, “Ode to My Socks” here…, and “Ode to a Large Tuna in the Market” here….

Today, we’d like to challenge you to write your own ode celebrating an everyday object.

And remember, if it works for you, come back here to this Note to share your poem, your process, your thoughts. Or a link taking us there.

Happy Writing, Everyone!

Apr 9
11:56 AM