NaPoWriMo Day 28! Substack Version

Prompt: …try your hand at writing a Sijo sejongculturalsociety.o…sejongculturalsociety.o… This is a traditional Korean verse form. A sijo has three lines of 14-16 syllables. The first line introduces the poem’s theme, the second discusses it, and the third line, which is divided into two sentences or clauses, ends the poem – usually with some kind of twist or surprise.

You could also write a sijo in six lines – at least when it comes to translating classical sijo into English, translators seem to have developed this habit, as you can see from these translations of poems by Jong Mong-Ju… and U Tak

And remember, if it works for you, come back here to this Note to share your poem, your process, your thoughts. Or a link taking us there.

Happy Writing, Everyone!

Apr 28
1:01 PM