Fools and Cowards:

Fools tell you to always be risk aggressive. Cowards tell you to always be risk averse.

Wisdom lies in knowing when to be risk aggressive and when to be risk averse.

You will encounter many fools going down high risk paths because they think they have ‘nothing to lose’, when in truth they have a lot to lose.

You will also encounter many cowards whose lives are on track for failure and who in truth have little or nothing to lose, who refuse to use high risk strategies because their fear is biasing them.

Enter With Boldness:

“If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it; your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution…Going halfway with half a heart digs a deeper grave.” -Law 28

Take as much time as you need to carefully consider whether or not you want to embark on a high risk course of action, or continue being risk averse.

However, when you embark on a high risk course of action you must do so with total confidence.

During the analysis that takes place before action, consider every doubt and hesitation conceivable.

In the moment of action, banish all doubts and fears; launch with boldness.

Fight and Win, or Don’t Fight:

There are those who will tell you it is better to try and fail than to not try at all. When the stakes are low (as is the case with low risk low reward strategies) this is true. However when the stakes are high this is wrong; dead wrong.

When the stakes are high or when considering a high risk strategy, it is far better to have not tried than to have tried and failed.

Better to have not tried, when a little foresight and a little caution could have spared you from so much unnecessary suffering.

Sep 20
2:22 AM