Anyone else worried about what Substack is turning into? My understanding was that it used to be a place for nerds like you and me to try our hand at writing. But it seems that within five minutes from now it’s going to be essentially another crowd funding hub for videos and audio which I fear will drown out the written word.
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
While we are on the topic of social skills, they never came easily to me! I had to teach myself. The biggest opportunity area for most frustrated single men is social skills- which unlike age or height, can be changed. So here’s my guide!
My research concluded, and OBVIOUSLY I'm not Dr. Alexander, that ALL vaccines are unsafe. Since we are all different and have different makeups there isn't one out there that can't cause complications with someone. I refused to have ANY of my four home birthed sons get a single vaccine, EVER. The second oldest was conned into getting this CONvid jab and has had some major personality changed due to it. I'm convinced. The book Murder By Injection written in the late 1980's was my wake up call. Subtitle: The story of the medical conspiracy against America.